Funniest Dad Jokes & Quotes of All Time – Funny eBook for Dads


A hilarious book for dads packed with clever wordplay and amusing truths about fatherhood, making it the go-to resource for dads who enjoy a chuckle and making others laugh.

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Bring Joy to Dad's Day with this Funny eBook for Dads - GET IT FREE MAY 27-31

This hilarious joke ebook is a perfect present for dads who enjoy making others laugh. It's packed with clever wordplay and amusing truths about fatherhood, making it the go-to resource for endless entertainment. 

Enjoy jokes and quotes like:

  • I told my doctor I heard buzzing. But he said it’s just a bug going around.
  • My wife told me to quit doing my terrible Arnold impression. But don't worry, I'll return.
  • "On our 6 a.m. walk, my daughter asked where the moon goes each morning. I let her know it's in heaven visiting daddy's freedom." - Ryan Reynolds
  • "Having children is like living in a frat house. Nobody sleeps, everything's broken and there's a lot of throwing up.” - Ray Romano

One of the Best Birthday Gifts for Husbands and Funny Father’s Day Gift for Dads

This funny book for dads is certain to bring a smile to everyone's face (or at the very least, elicit some eye-rolling). If you're looking for the ultimate funny Father's Day gift or birthday idea for your husband or dad, look no further.

The Must-Have Book for Dads Who Want to be Funny and Entertaining All the Time

Release your inner comedian and become the funniest dad on any occasion!

  • Break the ice during awkward family gatherings or meeting your kid’s friends for the first time.
  • Entertain the kids while they’re locked in and buckled up in the backseat on a long road trip.
  • Like a smooth, frothy beer, serve these gags ice cold to your buddies in your man cave.
  • Steer office conversations towards certain movies so you can unleash a hilarious celebrity quote.

Includes the History of Dad Jokes: How a Caveman Invented the One-Liner!

“Legend has it that the first dad joke ever told was by a young cave-dad named Ug. One day, Ug stumbled upon his reflection in a puddle and saw, for the very first time, some stubble around his upper lip and chin – the first small sproutings of what later became an epic grizzly dad-beard. Without missing a beat, he turned to his cave-wife and said, "You know, I’ve always hated facial hair. But it’s starting to grow on me!" And thus, the dad joke was born.” (The story continues in the book)

So what are you waiting for? Order your copy of "Funniest Dad Jokes and Quotes of All Time" today and get ready to become the funniest dad since the stone age.

Get the FREE eBook on Amazon